Purpose Efforts
*OPI:Open Up Purpose Index

2025/6th term goal

OPI 1Number of Employees


To measure progress made on the Group's purpose, the number of Group employees working at client companies is used as one of the "OPI" indicators. Under the medium-term management plan "BY25," the Group aims to have 30,000 employees working at client companies in Japan by the end of June 2025.

OPI 2Job Placement Opportunities


The number of opportunities for people to find a new job (one of the "doors" shown in the purpose concept illustration) is important for attaining the Group's purpose. As a way to measure progress made on the Group's purpose, the "OPI" includes the cumulative number of "doors opened" (opportunities provided) to work at client companies provided by the Group, up until the end of the BY25 plan period (June 30, 2025).

OPI 3Career Advancement


In order to achieve the Group's purpose, employees need to seize the opportunities (one of the "doors" shown in the purpose concept illustration) provided by the Group. These opportunities allow them to grow and gain experience and acquire the necessary abilities to succeed. Therefore, another indicator for the "OPI" is the cumulative number of Group engineers in Japan who reach the middle level as certified by the Group.

OPI 4Retention Rate


Under the purpose, leaving a job for the next growth opportunity is also a necessary step for employees (one of the "doors" shown in the purpose concept illustration). Although we strive to improve the retention rate through long-term employment, a high retention rate is not always preferable for achieving the Group's purpose. One of the components of the "OPI" is the retention rate improvement for each fiscal year, with "retained" employees including the number of job leavers (or transferees) who are hired by client firms based on positive evaluation of their work.

OPI 5Engagement


To promote the purpose, the Group believes it is important for employees to have rewarding work. Since the main business of the Group companies is dispatching workers, employee engagement is ascertained based on satisfaction with not only the company each employee belongs to, but also with their individual workplace companies and the support system. Therefore, the overall level of employee engagement improvement is also one of the indicators of the "OPI".
The relevant scores are mostly calculated using engagement surveys, based on whether employees would recommend their Group companies to others, whether they are satisfied with their career consultations, and whether they are continuing to provide useful survey responses (positive attitude).

Progress of OPI / Non-financial Information

OPI 1Number of Employees

FY6/23 3Q

Number of employees enrolled as at the start of the month. Domestic

OPI 2Job Placement Opportunities

FY6/23 3Q

A measure of the degree of penetration of our philosophy. Domestic

OPI 3Career Advancement

FY6/23 3Q

Number of employees reaching the mid-level skill. Domestic since 7/2021

OPI 4Retention Rate

*Annual update

Annual retention rate, including resignations due to transfer to customer companies in recognition of work performance. Domestic,average for the year

OPI 5Engagement

(Percentage change in year 1 Calculated in FY6/23)

NPS(r) surveys. Increase the ratio of "Passives" to "Promotors" by more than 1.2 times. Ratio of first is 29.1%.